Decriminalize Nature is a movement of compassion, equity, cooperation, and justice. Natural outcomes of these values are abundance, equitable access, and community building.
Decriminalize Nature seeks to decriminalize Entheogens and make available education and information regarding responsible, safe, and meaningful access to entheogenic plants and fungi for those seeking these as a path toward healing, exploration, or expansion of consciousness.
To improve human health and well-being by decriminalizing and expanding access to entheogenic plants and fungi through political and community organizing, education and advocacy.
We envision happier, healthier individuals and communities reconnected to nature and entheogenic plant and fungi traditions and practices.
To decriminalize entheogenic plants, restore our root connection to nature, and improve human health and well-being.
The term ‘entheogen’ refers to certain plants, fungi, and natural sources, including mushrooms, cacti, iboga-containing plants, and combinations similar to Ayahuasca. These substances typically contain specific compounds like indole amines, tryptamines, and phenethylamines.
Decriminalization offers a more balance and nuanced approach to entheogens compared to legalization because it prioritizes public health, harm reduction, and individual autonomy rather than a profit-driven industry.
This addresses the failed war on drugs, supports people who use entheogens for spiritual practices, and importantly, undercuts the predatory profit of big pharma and business.
Decriminalize Nature Columbus believes in the Grow, Gather, Gift model as it encourages a community-oriented and sustainable approach as it emphasizes personal cultivation, responsible gathering from nature, sharing within trusted networks, and fostering a deeper connection to community and nature.
Denver, CO (51-49%) May 2019
Oakland, CA (6-0) June 2019
Santa Cruz, CA (7-0) January 2020
Ann Arbor, MI (11-0) September 2020
Oregon (56-44%) November 2020
Somerville, MA (9-0) January 2021
Cambridge, MA (8-1) February 2021
Northampton, MA (9-0-1) March 2021
Washington, DC (76-24%) March 2021
Washtenaw County, MI (Policy Directive) June 2021
Arcata, CA (5-0) October 2021
Easthampton, MA (7-0-2) October 2021
Detroit, MI (61-39%) November 2021
Port Townsend, WA (7-0) December 2021
Hazel Park, MI (4-0) March 2022
Seattle, WA (9-0) May 2022
San Francisco, CA (11-0) September 2022
Colorado (54-46%) November 2022
Ferndale, MI (5-0) February 2023
Jefferson County, WA (3-0) May 2023
Salem, MA (11-0) May 2023
Berkeley, CA (8-0) July 2023
Minneapolis, MN (Exec. Order) July 2023
Portland, ME (6-3) October 2023
Eureka, CA (5-0) October 2023
Provincetown, MA (3-1-1) December 2023
Ypsilanti, MI (6-0) January 2024
Tacoma, WA (8-0) January 2025
Our mission at Decriminalize Nature Columbus is to create a welcoming space where individuals from all walks of life can come together to learn, grow, and advocate for change.
Whether you’re a healthcare professional, spiritual seeker, veteran, artist, or community organizer, your unique perspective is valuable to us and there’s a place for you in our movement.
If you have a testimonial about how entheogens have positively impacted your life, we’d love to hear from you. Your experiences can help inspire others and inform our advocacy efforts as we work towards more compassionate drug policies in our city.